No Place Like Home — A Look at Combs’ Safe Haven
Safe Haven President Alexia Arledge talking about topic of discussion.

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Student submitting a topic of discussion.
A place to call home, a place to be free, and a place to find people who are like minded — that’s what Safe Haven is.
Safe Haven is a place on campus where students can come together to help each other and to support their community. A place where anybody and everybody is welcomed without judgement.
This year, the club is being sponsored by Combs history teacher, Howard Bunch.
“Mrs. Munoz told me that they needed a sponsor; I felt that it was a very, very important club, and that the kids do have a safe haven spot where they could come to. I was glad to do it.” Bunch said.
Bunch also gave his insight on why Safe Haven is an important part of the Combs campus.
“Safe Haven means a spot where people can come. It’s judgement free, they can say what they need to say, especially things that are disturbing them,” Bunch said. “Sometimes students need to express things that they maybe express at home or with their friends, and this is a non judgemental zone where they can do that.”
Safe Haven had been around in the past, formally being sponsored by Lydia Munoz. Club president Alexia Arledge describes how the club was in the past and how they plan to change it.
“Last year was more of a support group, we didn’t do much for the community or for the school because it was really unstructured,” Arledge said. “This year we have things planned, like we’re going to go to Rainbow Fest and pride festivals, and different protests for a whole bunch different stuff.”
Treasurer Paige Costello also commented on the former years, but goes forward in saying the club’s goals on campus.
“The first two years, we were more of a support group, and it was just a way of us to find people that needed help and us supporting each other and getting through hard times,” Costello said. “Now it’s more like a help group for everyone else. We’re donating, working with other people and charities, and we’re just trying to build up the community; it’s a good way to meet people.”
Safe Haven’s presence on campus is meant as a place to support all types of students. The club also is a place for students to meet people who are like-minded and are going through hard times, or simply for kids to talk about how they feel.
“It’s judgement free; they can say what they need to say, especially things that are disturbing them. Sometimes students need to express things that they maybe can’t express at home or with their friends, and this is non judgemental zone where they can do that.” Bunch said.
Safe Haven is an open community where students can gather and support each other. Members at Safe Haven want to create an environment where students feel welcomed and safe.
“There is no such thing as being alone. That you might feel that way, but it’s not true. There’s always people out there, you just need to find somebody.”Arledge said.
Safe Haven encourages anybody from any background to join Safe Haven, whether it’s because of how they feel, who they are, or even if they just need people to talk to.
“I feel like everyone should join. Anyone who feels like they’re isolated, or feel like they’re alone, so they know there is a place where they don’t have to [feel alone].” Arledge said. “Whether it’s because their body type or sexuality, or their race, or their religion, or their disability.”
Members also encourage students to come to a club meeting at least once to experience what Safe Haven is like.
“Even if you don’t want to join a club, I think people should take the time out of the day to at least come once to see if they like it and to see how good a community it is.” Costello said.
Safe Haven meets every Tuesday after school in Bunch’s classroom, 552, as well as every Wednesday conference.